Data that Matters: GenZ Women


This month in ‘Data That Matters’, we’re taking some time to unpack the perspectives of GenZ women as this generation grows to over 20% of the US Population.

What we found was some stark differences in the gender perspectives across GenZ.

44% of GenZ Women say availability of abortion is a very big problem in America, compared to only 29% of GenZ Men – Survey Center on American Life, 2022
64% of GenZ Women say affordability of healthcare is a very big problem in America, compared to only 54% of GenZ Men – Survey Center on American Life, 2022
65% of GenZ women say gun violence is a very big problem in America, compared to only 46% of GenZ Men – Survey Center on American Life, 2022
Yet, 66% of GenZ Women believe that what happens to women in the US will have a bearing on their own lives, compared to only 36% of Boomer Women – Survey Center on American Life, 2022
AND, 72% of GenZ Women believe there are too few women serving in “high political offices,” whereas less than half of GenZ Men said the same – Pew, 2023 

There are stark differences in these perspectives and beliefs. If women continue feeling a lack of representation from the decision makers who determine their livelihood, we’ve lost hope in our future. It’s time to listen. It’s time to show up. It’s time to give these women a seat at the table.

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