Data That Matters: Hobbies & Health


This month, we dug into all of the data around hobbies and found that creativity not only helps people find deeper meaning in their life, it also has vast positive impacts on emotional, psychological, and physical wellbeing. Let this be your sign to pause The Crown and bake a sticky toffee pudding.

77% of Netflix users would rather give up their subscription than give up their creative hobby – Blueprint, 2019
48% who tried a new hobby during the pandemic – such as coding or photography – have earned money turning it into a side hustle – Lending Tree, 2021
Yet, 68% of Americans say they are eager to use their creativity more often – Blueprint, 2019
And 79% of parents would prefer their child “make just enough to get by in a creative job they love” than “make lots of money in a job they aren’t passionate about.” – Blueprint, 2019

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