According to the UN, by 2025 one in six people in the world will be over the age of 65, up from one in 11 in 2019. As our global population lives longer than ever, the World Economic Forum has proclaimed aging well a ‘lifelong healthcare priority’. 

As we live longer, it opens up new opportunities, challenges and ways of thinking about health. When we look at the economics, GenXers have a reported $2.4trillion in spending power in the US and Boomers account for 70% of household wealth at $28.6trillion.

This mini trend leans into what ‘aging well’ will mean and how we as consumers and businesses can show up for this consumer in both a thoughtful and meaningful way. If your organization is looking to learn more about these age groups – there are many more facts where these came from! Reach out and let’s grab a coffee.

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