Numbers don’t lie, but sometimes they don’t tell the full story.

  • Girls receive 22% less allowance than boys for doing the same chores (BusyKid), setting the stage for financial inequities before they even enter the workforce.
  • And that gap only widens—women in the U.S. still earn, on average, 82 cents for every dollar a man makes (Pew Research Center), a number that hasn’t significantly improved in two decades.
  • Yet, when companies commit to pay transparency, the gender pay gap shrinks by nearly 40% (World Economic Forum), proving that structural change—not just individual negotiation—is the key to equity.
  • And still, at the current rate of progress, it will take 132 years to close the global gender pay gap (World Economic Forum), meaning entire generations of women will continue to face financial disadvantage simply because of their gender.

At PinPoint, we know that systemic inequities don’t just disappear with time—they require intentional action. That’s why we advocate for research that not only surfaces gender disparities but also provides the tools to dismantle them. Because pay equity isn’t just about fairness; it’s about economic growth, opportunity, and ensuring that girls growing up today don’t inherit the same financial disadvantages of the past.

Change starts with awareness—but it can’t stop there.

Marching Forward: Celebrating Women, Elevating Voices, and Pushing for More

At PinPoint, we don’t just mark Women’s History Month—we activate it. This month is more than a celebration, it’s a call to action. A moment to recognize the strength of our community and a reminder of the work still ahead.

For the sixth year in a row, we’re launching our Women’s Month Calendar, a four-week journey centered around giving, supporting, receiving, and projecting forward—themes that go beyond just a moment in time and push toward long-term change. Throughout March, we’ll be celebrating the diverse and powerful voices in our Research Voices database, amplifying their experiences, and creating space for the conversations that matter most.

And this year, those conversations feel more urgent than ever. Women’s rights, autonomy, and even our very definitions are at the center of national discourse. Policies impacting everything from economic security to gender identity are taking shape in ways that directly affect the lives of millions. The burden of rising costs disproportionately impacts women; new legal definitions threaten to erase the identities of transgender and non-binary individuals; and rhetoric from the highest offices in the country is narrowing, not expanding, our collective understanding of gender.

At PinPoint, we believe that Women’s Month isn’t just about one gender—it’s about all who have been historically marginalized under the umbrella of “womanhood.” It’s about fighting for equity, for representation, and for a future where gender is not a barrier but a spectrum of power, potential, and self-determination.

So, as we step into March, we invite you to join us—not just in celebrating, but in challenging. In questioning. In amplifying. In pushing forward, beyond the month, beyond the moment, and into the future we all deserve.

Follow along as we highlight the stories, actions, and insights that shape our world. Because when we uplift women—all women, all identities, all experiences—we uplift everyone. Download your own calendar to follow along and please, reach out, and let us know how it goes.