This month’s ‘Pin•Points That Matter’ even caught our women-owned, women-run team a bit off guard. However, when we put ourselves back in the shoes of our own teenage selves, the sentiments game flowing back:

  • 76% of teens in the US think we are taught more about the biology of frogs than the biology of the human female body in school – Thinx + PERIOD, 2020
  • And 65% of teen girls believe society teaches people to be ashamed of their periods – Thinx + PERIOD, 2020
  • Yet, 98% of girls get their period before they turn 15 years old – Mayo Clinic, 2023
  • And 4 out of 5 teen girls either missed or knew someone who missed class time because they did not have access to period products – Unesco, 2014

The story is telling. Despite girls in the US getting their first menstrual period about 6 months earlier on average than they did in the 1950s and ’60s (NPR, 2024), girls today feel a lack of support, comfort, and education at a pivotal moment in their early years. This has led to teen girls feeling the need to miss class during their period, feeling of shame when that time of the month rolls around, and feeling like they aren’t as important as… well frogs in science class. Society – we have a ways to go in supporting our youth and empowering them to be women in this world. It’s time.

In this month’s Pin•Points That Matter, our team explored what it’s like to be a woman fan in the sports world today. Having come from a sports & entertainment background, our founders are beyond passionate about the intersection of women consumers and the future of sports. So here we are, exploring some hard facts on the subject:

  • 84% of women sports fans watched a sporting event on TV in the last year (pretty great number!) – Deloitte, 2023
  • And 80% of all sports apparel is purchased by women (also, incredible statistic) – Holland, 2013
  • Yet, 75% of women dislike ‘pink, glitter, or differing cuts’ for women’s fan attire (you know the kind) – Esler, 2021
  • And only 59% of women sports fans attended a sporting event in person last year, compared to 84% watching on TV – Deloitte, 2023

In all of our digging, what we couldn’t unpack (even close) was why the disparities. Why are so many women watching sports on TV but not necessarily going to a game in person? And why, when so many women are the ones purchasing sports attire, is the industry still “pinking and shrinking” the women’s line? If there’s anyone committed to discovering that why and finding ways for the industry to do better, it’s PinPoint. Let’s get our hands dirty.

This month, we couldn’t help but explore the representation of women across media in our Pin•Points That Matter. We’re an eclectic mix of women, yet none of us truly felt like we were authentically depicted across most brands out there – and we interact with a lot of brands! So we put on our detective hats and uncovered we weren’t the only ones.

  • 89% of women claim responsibility for daily household shopping – Capital One, 2023
  • And 76% of women are more likely to buy from brands that feature people who look like them – AARP, 2023
  • Yet, 51% of women between 18-49 years old say they rarely or never see themselves in media at large – AARP, 2023
  • And only 20% of women in all age brackets feel women over the age of 50 are positively portrayed in advertising – AARP, 2022

This data shows us that the people most responsible for daily shopping are perhaps the least represented by the brands they are shopping from. And that’s a problem! Especially when we know women are more likely to purchase from companies that share their values and speak to their needs. Hence the importance of deeply understanding who your customer is and rolling up your sleeves to find out. Fun fact: there’s no one who likes to roll those sleeves up more when it comes to learning about women than the PinPoint crew!

In this month’s Pin•Points That Matter, we’re exploring women’s wealth. What we found was, well, quite the dichotomy to say the least. We were shocked by the story this data revealed, but also not surprised:

This data tells us that it’s crucial to listen to and prioritize women in consumer purchasing decisions. Companies that fail to do so will risk significant harm to their brand, no matter what industry they fall into. From real estate to sports & entertainment to pet supplies and RTD beverages – no matter what industry you fall into, the data is shows a need to listen to your female audience. Now’s the time to uncover what they need from a brand, a fan experience, a pet store, or an RTD package design. Who’s ready!?

Deeply Unpacking the Lives of our Caregivers

April Showers Bring May Health

May is Women’s Health Month, but April sure did bring a lot of health care chatter to our PinPoint world (hence the Pin•Points That Matter post below). What’s fascinated us in these conversations is how often the caregiver keeps making her way to the focus.

That being said, it shouldn’t be all that surprising. Just within the past year, 43.5 million caregivers have provided unpaid care to an adult or child. And of those 43.5 million, 75% are women and may spend as much as 50% more time providing care than men. If we dive even deeper, studies have indicated that 36% of female caregivers handle the most difficult caregiving tasks (i.e., bathing, toileting, and dressing).That’s compared with 24% for their male counterparts, who are more likely to help with finances, arrangement of care, and other less burdensome tasks.

Maybe There’s a Better Way

We know, we know… we talk a lot about gender disparities.But when it comes down to understanding the whole human – whether we’re helping a client design a new banking function or the future of their community library – unpacking these behaviors makes a big difference..

Here’s an example. We’re designing that library for a community whose primary patron is a mother. We learn in research that she takes care of her own small children and her aging parent. That means we might not design the library as a place to linger. This mother has a lot on her plate.Quite honestly, she may not even be able to think about getting out of her car because of the time and effort that one task alone might take. This library needs to function more like a drive thru or a pick-up locker at Target. Perhaps it’s even an intimate, calming escape where she can read in solitude away from her caregiving duties at home.

Experience Empathy

One of the most profound activities we’ve done within the healthcare space is what we call an Empathy Experience Workshop (Bonus, this practice can be applied to any industry.) We bring together internal leaders to experience firsthand what it’s like to live a day-in-the-life of their patient and caregiver – a way to build empathy at its deepest level. It looks and feels a bit like role playing, but with unexpected twists and turns:

  • The group divides into pairs
  • One team member takes on the role of the patient
  • The other their caregiver
  • We go out into the real world (ie. a grocery store)
  • Each is instructed to perform tasks and carry out specific behaviors in this public venue
  • The patient may unexpectedly drop a gallon of milk in the middle of the store. (Yes, this actually happened!)
  • The caregiver has to respond with onlookers at the fringe. 
  • Or mid-aisle, the caregiver may suddenly abandon the patient (with eyes closed to resemble blindness) to take an unanticipated, but urgent,call. 

These small, dynamic moments, when experienced firsthand, build a level of empathy that goes far beyond listening to a caregiver speak, watching a patient testimonial, or describing a ‘Betty’ persona out of a static deck.

Empathy in Action

We live for this type of work. With data like the above pointing to the need for caregiver-centric design in healthcare, there is no better time than now to build new levels of empathy – and show up for women where they need it most. Whether you are a caregiver, a patient, a healthcare leader, or know someone (in any industry!) looking to build empathy in a memorable way, please reach out. These experiences matter. They forever change the way we see the world through someone else’s eyes. We want nothing more than to share those perspectives over our go-to cup of coffee.

Women’s health has been a hot topic around our office this month, so we spent some time digging in to unpack the gender disparities between men and women in this space. Of course we knew there would be some shocking statistics out there, but what we learned was even more surprising than we anticipated.

Women spend 25% more of their lives in debilitating health than men, and are under diagnosed for certain conditions – Harvard Health Publishing, 2019
Women spend 11% of their income after tax on healthcare, compared to men who spend only 7% – Capital One, 2023
Women of all ages pay a total of $15.4 billion more than men on annual out-of-pocket medical expenses. In 2021, that meant women paid about 20% more than men and only 2% of which could be accounted for by maternity care – Deloitte, 2023
Yet, women weren’t included in clinic trials until 1993National Institutes of Health
And a survey of medical residents found that 58% had received one lecture on menopause in their training and 20% had received no menopause training whatsoever – Mayo Clinic, 2019

This is the kind of information that makes us want nothing more than to dig in and understand not only the WHY, but what how this is affecting the 169 million women in our country. If you, too, are interested in the state of women’s health and looking for someone to share all the feels with, let’s grab a cup of coffee.

It’s a special month for us at PinPoint – International Women’s Month celebrating both International Women’s Day on March 8th and Women’s History Month. So, for this month in ‘Data That Matters’, we decided to look at some facts associated with women-owned businesses!

We always knew there were gender gaps in business ownership and subsequent finances, but the numbers were even more astounding than we anticipated.

14 Million women-owned businesses make up 39.1% of all US businesses, a 13.6% increase from 2019 to 2023 – Wells Fargo Impact of Women-Owned Businesses, 2024
12.2 Million people are employed by women-owned businesses, 9.2% of all employees in America – Wells Fargo Impact of Women-Owned Businesses, 2024
$2.7 Trillion of annual revenue was generated by women-owned businesses in 2023 – Wells Fargo Impact of Women-Owned Businesses, 2024
Yet, $7.9 Trillion in revenue is possible for all women-owned businesses if their average revenue matched men’s – Wells Fargo Impact of Women-Owned Businesses, 2024
AND Only, 2% venture capital for new startups went to women founders in 2021, 98% went to male founders – Bloomberg, 2022

Long story short, there are still a lot of challenges women have to face as business owners in the United States. Yet, us women owners have the potential to transform the economy and our society. The more these facts are shared, and known, the more our society can progress as a whole.

Looking for more data that matters? Check out our Instagram.

It’s HERE – we’re officially kicking off International Women’s Month on Friday, March 1st with our 5th annual Women’s Month Calendar!

What the heck is ‘International Women’s Month’ you might ask? Well, March 8th, 2024 is #internationalwomensday in which International Women’s Day celebrates women’s achievements, raises awareness about discrimination, and takes action to drive gender parity.

Our inaugural International Women’s Month came to be in 2020 and every year since, we’ve released a calendar highlighting a different task to give, support, and receive acts of kindness throughout the month of March.

Our goal is not to add any more to our already full plates, but rather take this month to be intentional and carve out small, sometimes cheesy, moments each day to reflect and celebrate meaningful women and allies in our lives.

Download our 2024 calendar here. Please follow along and share your progress with us – it means the world!

This month in ‘Data That Matters’, we’re taking some time to unpack the perspectives of GenZ women as this generation grows to over 20% of the US Population.

What we found was some stark differences in the gender perspectives across GenZ.

44% of GenZ Women say availability of abortion is a very big problem in America, compared to only 29% of GenZ Men – Survey Center on American Life, 2022
64% of GenZ Women say affordability of healthcare is a very big problem in America, compared to only 54% of GenZ Men – Survey Center on American Life, 2022
65% of GenZ women say gun violence is a very big problem in America, compared to only 46% of GenZ Men – Survey Center on American Life, 2022
Yet, 66% of GenZ Women believe that what happens to women in the US will have a bearing on their own lives, compared to only 36% of Boomer Women – Survey Center on American Life, 2022
AND, 72% of GenZ Women believe there are too few women serving in “high political offices,” whereas less than half of GenZ Men said the same – Pew, 2023 

There are stark differences in these perspectives and beliefs. If women continue feeling a lack of representation from the decision makers who determine their livelihood, we’ve lost hope in our future. It’s time to listen. It’s time to show up. It’s time to give these women a seat at the table.

Looking for more data that matters? Check out our Instagram.

We’re talking financial literacy – because so few are! And these facts matter!

Only 51% of women worldwide achieved the minimum or higher target score for financial literacy – Global Financial Literacy Excellence Centre, 2021
Yet, 66% of heterosexual households report having a woman breadwinner in the US – Swiss Re Institute, 2021
AND, to add onto that, just 20% of female breadwinners say they were ‘very well prepared’ to make wise financial decisions compared to 45% of their male peers – New York Times, 2013

At PinPoint, we believe not only in the power of data, but that we need to do something with it. We’re here for the conversation, the transparent salary talks, and initiatives that put women at the center of financial discussions. Join us by signing up for our Research Voices Database.

Looking for more data that matters? Check out our Instagram.