For those who have been following, PinPoint has been taking the month of September to reflect on equal pay – September 18th being International Equal Pay Day.

These facts say it all.

$0.82 – the amount women earn for every dollar men make in America – US Government Accountability Office, 2022
20 years where that number hasn’t budged, despite more women graduating from college than men – Pew, 2023
Yet, only 14% of Russell 100 companies disclosed and adjusted women-to-men pay ratio in 2022 – Bloomberg, 2022

It’s time to do something about it – share your voice, empower one another, and fight for what you deserve.

Looking for more data that matters? Check them out on our Instagram.

Seems like all we hear about these days is #AI. What are your thoughts on it? Is it going to destroy our world? Is it going to make our world better?

We’re all ears – let us know what you think!

Reflecting on 5 years since PinPoint was founded made us realize how effortless, yet challenging it is to celebrate small wins as they happen. Let’s be real, the big ones are easy to reflect on, but the small ones are what make those milestones happen.

87% of Americans believe recognizing small wins each day is a crucial form of self-care – One Poll, 2021
And also 83% who celebrate small wins believe it only takes one win to turn a bad day into a good one – One Poll, 2021
Yet 79% of Americans have left a job because they felt under appreciated – Salesforce, 2019

What we learn in these numbers is that celebrating small wins is a form of self care.

Recognizing those wins can turn a bad day into a good day.

And there is significant room for improving the recognition to ourselves and others.

What small win can you celebrate today?

Looking for more data that matters? Check out our Instagram.

Last month, we had the privilege of researching brand loyalty – specifically what makes us want to or not want to stick with a brand. What did we learn? Well, companies viewed as making the world a better place are the companies we also keep going back to!

What companies are you most loyal to?

If you or your organization are looking to build a deeper relationship with your audience, and drive brand loyalty, please reach out and let’s grab a coffee.

This week, we dove into data around burnout, but found ourselves in a rabbit hold of idleness. As University of Virginia Professor, Leidy Klotz, puts it, achieving idle requires people to “subtract complication” from their lives by doing things such as option out of crowded schedules or incorporating white space into the day.

Why is this important? Because 40% of our creative breakthroughs emerge during moments of downtime, yet 67% of companies are impacted by leavism – when employees use time off to do the work they can’t manage to finish during normal working hours.

To all the leaders out there – do something about this. It is not ok to leave a generation at the brink of collapsing. It is also not ok to suffocate productive & innovative thinking. yes, it will be hard, but the ramifications will be harder.

If you or your organization are ready to show up for your team or employees, please reach out and let’s grab a coffee.

The way GenZ consumes content has changed the game and the content itself is changing societies. Yet, organizations are behind the curve and not showing up in ways that matter most.

We believe data like this only helps us better understand behaviors of people, and from that understanding, shore up in ways that make a positive impact for those people.

If your organization is looking to define company values – we’re here to help! Reach out and let’s grab a coffee.

We share these data points 1. because they are important to understanding humans, but 2. because it’s PinPoint’s mission to turn these data points into action and help companies do something with it.

If your organization is looking to learn more from GenZ – there are many more facts where these came from! Reach out and let’s grab a coffee.