Lady in Grey

When black or white don’t do you justice, you own the gray.   |    04.29.21

As many of you know, we find an insane amount of joy in celebrating and empowering women – I mean, could we have screamed it any louder from our digital-mountaintop last month? Perhaps it stems from our days having to play with ‘Malibu Barbie’ before ‘Presidential Candidate Barbie’ made her debut. Or perhaps it comes from our mothers who taught both of us to challenge the ‘supposed to’s’ of society. Wherever it stems from, it’s certainly impacted who we’ve become today.

And while we’ve found a PinPoint-niche in female focused projects lately, we’ve also found a PinPoint-pinpoint (pun definitely intended) in collaborating with female leaders, because the truth of the matter is society still sits somewhere between Malibu Barbie and Presidential Candidate Barbie when it comes to championing women in the workplace.

A few weeks ago, we had an inspiring conversation with a female exec who described her decision making mid-career. There came a moment where she was positioned to choose her side of greatness – be a great executive and a good mother or be a great mother and a good executive. 

Truth be told, there is no right and there is no wrong when it comes to being a woman – at home, at work or anywhere in between. Yet everyday we are faced with black and white oppositions forced upon us by a multitude of varying pressures and expectations surrounding us. One of our favorite bloggers, A Cup of Joe, recently shared stories of shame and guilt many women feel when choosing to feed their newborn formula over breast milk – even when formula is the absolute best option for her and baby.

As we’ve grown into our niche collaborating with brilliant female leaders, we find ourselves in conversations like the ones above more often. We’ve had a rare career in which our job is to listen to people, many people, and empathize with their unique lives in order to design new futures – futures different from the ‘supposed to’s’ just like our mothers taught us.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the many conversations we’ve had with female leaders this past year, it’s that there is no ‘right or wrong’ or ‘black or white’. Instead, there’s a whole lot of gray and choosing gray often means choosing what’s best for you. If the Benjamin Moore paint wheel taught us anything in this pandemic, it’s that there’s a gray for everyone.

We each deserve our unique gray – derived from our values, our roles, our aspirations and our expectations. If there were only black or white to choose, life would be a whole lot blander or a whole lot dimmer. So here’s to finding your gray – whatever gray means for you. And whenever you need that little birdie in your ear to tell you white or black just aren’t for you, let us grab you a coffee. We’ve got your back.

Taking Ownership of DE&I

A New Normal Trend Report   |    04.16.21

2020 brought many a renewed realization – and education – of inequality throughout our many systems and because of that, the coming years need to be about making this newfound knowledge actionable.

As our expectations evolve, so must our actions. Companies and brands are responding to new demands by designing avenues that emphasize equality – be it programs, products and everything in between.

This mini trend explores tips & ideas to transform your DE&I thoughts into actions. To help you on your diversity journey and keep you accountable, please consider championing the following groups:

For more, check out this and other trend reports on our Instagram!

Driving the Shecovery

A New Normal Trend Report   |    03.16.21

It’s no surprise, the recession has disproportionately impacted women, especially Black, Brown and young women. In the US alone, over 5 million women lost their jobs this past year. 

Not only that, both employed and unemployed women have taken on the brunt of housework chores with 69% saying their physical health has been impacted since the pandemic – moving beyond burnout into completely maxing out.

In a world where women are 3x more likely to sacrifice careers for kids, these effects have lifelong impacts. Without a female footprint in decision making rooms, future generations will suffer.

Governments and brands must learn from women and normalize discussions of gender parity. This report explores the shecovery and introduces solutions and strategies to support and empower women.

For more, check out this and other trend reports on our Instagram!

Mes Internacional 
de la Mujer

Making the Celebration Even More Inclusive   |    03.02.21

We were absolutely delighted when Roanoke Spanish reached out following the release of our International Women’s Month program, and then amazed at their offer to translate our program into Spanish for the Latina community. Our mission has always been to create more inclusive communities and this is one of those moments when you get to see your mission come to life.

Huge thank you to Elda Stanco Downey, PhD for reaching out and for such a generous offer. Below you will find our translated program for all the Latina women in your life. Please share it, save it, print it, and pass this along to any and all Latinas in your circle.

¡Feliz Mes Internacional de la Mujer!

International Women’s Day

Celebrating International Women's Day & Women's History Month 2021   |    03.01.21

This March, PinPoint Collective is proud to be celebrating Women’s History Month – including International Women’s Day on March 8th. In any ‘typical’ year, we would host an event at our studio with a group of bada** women just like yourself to empower, empathize, inspire and learn from one another. Although this is anything but a typical year, we’re not letting that get in our way of connecting and celebrating each of you – and all of us.

Below you will find a program of sorts, highlighting a different task each day of the month. Our goal is not to add to any of our plates, but rather take this month to be intentional – carve out small, sometimes cheesy, moments every day to reflect and celebrate meaningful women including yourself!

Please feel free to save it, print it, pass this along to any and all women in your circle – after all sharing is our love language. Speaking of sharing, since we can not gather in person, please feel free to share any and all that you take from this activity and this month – we would honestly love to hear. Don’t hesitate to post on Insta, fire off an email, drop us a line or send a pigeon carrier – we don’t care about the channel, we would just love to connect and hear from each of you.

Happy International Women’s Day Month – we appreciate you!

Stacy & Faith

State of Social

A New Normal Trend Report   |    02.13.21

We are witnessing an influx of social media like never before. The average person now scrolls the equivalent height of the Empire State Building worth of content daily, which comes out to nearly 2.5 hours per day.

Long story short, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stand out amongst the overly saturated crowd. But those who turn to joy, share news of truth and who amplify creativity will be the ones who rise to the top.

This trend report identifies new attitudes and cultural shifts impacting the social landscape and what that means for connection, community and consumption in the year ahead.

For more, check out this and other trend reports on our Instagram!

Female Founders Collective

We're Excited to Announce...   |    01.25.21

We are so excited to announce that we’ve been accepted into The Female Founder Collective, an organization founded by Rebecca Minkoff and other incredible women business owners! Their mission, to enable and empower female owned and led businesses to positively impact our communities, couldn’t better align with our own: using #designthinking to advance women leaders and create more inclusive societies. We are beyond grateful for this recognition!

Time Perception

A New Normal Trend Report   |    01.21.21

Lockdown after lockdown has warped our sense of time. Add the sudden shift to a remote workforce across multiple timezones and we have saying ‘routine what?’.

We seem to have too much #time, not enough time, or a complete loss of what time it even is! This memory-to-time reflection is part of a wider behavioral trait psychologists are now calling the ‘resistance bump’.

This mini trend uncovers opportunities for resisting the ‘bump’ via tips and tricks to make time feel less warped.

We hope these new normal trend reports help small businesses and entrepreneurs come back strong and seize opportunities during this time of rapid change.

If you need a thought partner to iterate and talk through next steps with your team, we’re here for you.

Check out this trend on Instagram.

New Year, New Habits

I'm dreaming of a delightful business retreat.   |    12.22.20

Remember all of those naive resolutions we made this time last year as the new decade rolled in? Things like “eat less calories”, “drink less wine”, “travel the world more”. Well, 2020, we saw your cards and we’re not making those mistakes again! We’re meeting 2021 wiser, hardened and with enough sarcasm to weather whatever sh*tshorm this new year has in store.

This past month, we spent quality time looking back on the last year, writing PinPoint’s five, ten and fifteen year story as well as mapping out 2021’s steps towards making those dreams a reality. Not only was it a cathartic experience, but we left our retreat inspired, encouraged and ready to manifest our future. We’ll call that another ‘2020 excuse’ for an additional glass of wine…

But leading up to our founder’s retreat, we struggled finding frameworks that inspired us to escape from the day to day and actually sit down to dream. After tedious searching, scrolling and article parsing, we ended up crafting our vision setting framework leveraging pieces of famous processes out there in combination with a few of PinPoint’s own.

As believers in the power of mindshare, we want to save others out there looking to envision the future of their company the time Googling ‘how to lead a business goal strategy retreat that isn’t boring or cheesy. So here you go:

1-Day Business Goal Setting Agenda

Take it, break it, make it your own. By no means do we believe this is the end all be all – there are many frameworks and systems out there that go into much more depth. But we do hope this agenda can serve the purpose of getting your ball rolling and identifying where more depth is needed. One learning for us was the value of having a neutral voice beyond your team to facilitate the process. We encourage you to lean on your peers or experts to play that role and if you are looking for one, we’d love to help! Share your thoughts, your questions, tips and learnings – you know where to reach us (

2021 – we’re all coming for you!

A Time For Moonshots

A New Normal Trend Report   |    12.15.20

As we all place our hope in science, there is an increasing appetite for moonshot moments. Now is the time for investing, for research & development and to get ambitious.

‘Moonshots’ are projects that seem unlikely to succeed, but with the right team, investments, bravery and determination can make important contributions to an industry. Most importantly, they’re on the rise.

Spotify co-founder, Daniel Ek, has committed $1billion on European moonshots around biotech and material science. H&M launched in-store clothing recycling machines that remake knits into new items live. And Flash Forest has committed to 1billion trees by 2028 using drones to reforest the nation.

This mini trend explores ways that you can initiate and embed moonshot processes into your company – no matter the size.

Check out this post on Instagram.