Rise of the Archive

A New Normal Trend Report   |    08.31.20

New interest in the conservation and preservation of knowledge is emerging. The sense of uncertainty has driven an increased interest in archiving and preserving knowledge. On one hand, there is a responsibility for institutions to document the facts of today for future generations. On the other hand is the human desire to build collective memory and help society make sense of our trauma to overcome it in the future.

This mini trend explores how consumer behaviors are shifting, what the next expectations are becoming and how each of us – as companies and individuals – can evolve to become part of the solution.

We hope these new normal mini trends help small businesses and entrepreneurs come back stronger and seize opportunities during this time of rapid change.

If you need a thought partner to iterate and talk through next steps with your team, we’re here for you. 

Check out this trend report on Instagram!

Future of City Life

A New Normal Trend Report   |    08.25.20

City life was already being questioned prior to the pandemic. Once Covid hit, many of the issues from economic inequality to quality of life were magnified in a very short amount of time. That being said, cities have been the engines of financial growth and aspirations for centuries. In today’s landscape, as we reevaluate our relationship with work and life, cities, too, need to evolve to serve these changing expectations.

This mini trend analyzes behaviors and opportunities for cities to adapt in order to meet new ways of living, commuting and have resonance in the next version of normal.

We hope these new normal mini trends help small businesses and entrepreneurs come back strong and seize opportunities during this time of rapid change. If you need a thought partner to iterate and talk through next steps with your team, we’re here for you.

Check out this trend report on Instagram.

Shaping Certainty

A New Normal Trend Report   |    08.17.20

We are in a state of navigating multiple crises and because of that, new emotional coping mechanisms are emerging which will require businesses to respond in new ways. The compound nature of these crises means business owners will not only need to adapt their strategies to address consumers’ changing emotional state, but also that of their employees and business partners.

As societies around the world continue to grapple with new and evolving sources of trauma, this mini trend unpacks the evolution of customer’s behaviors and how businesses should build strategies, tools and messaging that will help their customers cope within a changing world.

We hope these new normal mini trends help small businesses and entrepreneurs come back strong and seize opportunities during this time of rapid change.

If you need a thought partner to iterate and talk through next steps with your team, we’re here for you.

Check out this trend report on Instagram.

Subscription Boom

A New Normal Trend Report   |    08.10.20

Up next in our mini trend series – Subscription Boom!

Research, analysis and strategic forecasting goes into every one of our reports to make sure we are bringing you the most actionable insights.

We look at shifting behaviors in countries ahead of the US curve including China, South Korea and Denmark.

And intersect those findings with #data from researchers, journalists and publications within the US to develop each report.

We hope these new normal mini trends help small businesses and entrepreneurs come back strong and seize opportunities during this time of rapid change.

If you need a thought partner to iterate and talk through next steps with your team, we’re here for you.

Check out this trend report on Instagram.

Future of Queuing

A New Normal Trend Report   |    08.03.20

The queueing experience has fundamentally changed as waiting outside stores becomes another opportunity for retailers to entertain, educate, inspire and connect. While queues used to be something of a status symbol for brands during popular launches or hyped-up drops, they have become a pain point during the pandemic.

This mini trend report examines how “waiting” can become an important part of your customer’s journey and identifies key opportunities to harness creative strategies that enhance the queuing, curbside and storefront experience.

We hope these new normal mini trends help small businesses and entrepreneurs come back strong and seize opportunities during this time of rapid change.

If you need a thought partner to iterate and talk through next steps with your team, we’re here for you.

Check out this trend report on Instagram.

Group Commerce

A New Normal Trend Report   |    05.28.20

Next up in our mini trend series is for those in the #retail space – Group Commerce. Enjoy!

Please share your thoughts, questions and suggestions as we continue to develop more new normal reports for you and your community.

If you need a thought partner to iterate and talk through next steps with your team, we’re here for you.

Check out this trend report on Instagram.

Creative Therapy

A New Normal Trend Report   |    05.26.20

Creative Therapy – not only what we can’t help but do daily, but also the next mini trend in our series!

Please share your thoughts, questions and suggestions as we continue to develop more new normal reports for you and your community.

If you need a thought partner to iterate and talk through next steps with your team, we’re here for you.

Check out this trend report on Instagram.

Safety in Shopping

A New Normal Trend Report   |    05.21.20

Safety In Shopping – next up in our mini trend report series.

Please share your thoughts, questions and suggestions as we continue to develop more new normal reports for you and your community.

If you need a thought partner to iterate and talk through next steps with your team, we’re here for you.

Check out this trend report on Instagram.

Evolved Eating Habits

A New Normal Trend Report   |    05.19.20

Evolved Eating Habits – next up in our mini trend report series.

Please share your thoughts, questions and suggestions as we continue to develop more new normal reports for you and your community.

If you need a thought partner to iterate and talk through next steps with your team, we’re here for you.

Check out this trend report on Instagram.

Redefining Love

A New Normal Trend Report   |    05.14.20

Redefining Love – next up in our mini trend report series.

Please share your thoughts, questions and suggestions as we continue to develop more new normal reports for you and your community.

If you need a thought partner to iterate and talk through next steps with your team, we’re here for you.

Check out this trend report on Instagram.