Driving the Shecovery

A New Normal Trend Report   |    03.16.21

It’s no surprise, the recession has disproportionately impacted women, especially Black, Brown and young women. In the US alone, over 5 million women lost their jobs this past year. 

Not only that, both employed and unemployed women have taken on the brunt of housework chores with 69% saying their physical health has been impacted since the pandemic – moving beyond burnout into completely maxing out.

In a world where women are 3x more likely to sacrifice careers for kids, these effects have lifelong impacts. Without a female footprint in decision making rooms, future generations will suffer.

Governments and brands must learn from women and normalize discussions of gender parity. This report explores the shecovery and introduces solutions and strategies to support and empower women.

For more, check out this and other trend reports on our Instagram!

State of Social

A New Normal Trend Report   |    02.13.21

We are witnessing an influx of social media like never before. The average person now scrolls the equivalent height of the Empire State Building worth of content daily, which comes out to nearly 2.5 hours per day.

Long story short, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stand out amongst the overly saturated crowd. But those who turn to joy, share news of truth and who amplify creativity will be the ones who rise to the top.

This trend report identifies new attitudes and cultural shifts impacting the social landscape and what that means for connection, community and consumption in the year ahead.

For more, check out this and other trend reports on our Instagram!

Time Perception

A New Normal Trend Report   |    01.21.21

Lockdown after lockdown has warped our sense of time. Add the sudden shift to a remote workforce across multiple timezones and we have saying ‘routine what?’.

We seem to have too much #time, not enough time, or a complete loss of what time it even is! This memory-to-time reflection is part of a wider behavioral trait psychologists are now calling the ‘resistance bump’.

This mini trend uncovers opportunities for resisting the ‘bump’ via tips and tricks to make time feel less warped.

We hope these new normal trend reports help small businesses and entrepreneurs come back strong and seize opportunities during this time of rapid change.

If you need a thought partner to iterate and talk through next steps with your team, we’re here for you.

Check out this trend on Instagram.

A Time For Moonshots

A New Normal Trend Report   |    12.15.20

As we all place our hope in science, there is an increasing appetite for moonshot moments. Now is the time for investing, for research & development and to get ambitious.

‘Moonshots’ are projects that seem unlikely to succeed, but with the right team, investments, bravery and determination can make important contributions to an industry. Most importantly, they’re on the rise.

Spotify co-founder, Daniel Ek, has committed $1billion on European moonshots around biotech and material science. H&M launched in-store clothing recycling machines that remake knits into new items live. And Flash Forest has committed to 1billion trees by 2028 using drones to reforest the nation.

This mini trend explores ways that you can initiate and embed moonshot processes into your company – no matter the size.

Check out this post on Instagram.

Recession Generation

A New Normal Trend Report   |    12.08.20

Younger generations are among the hardest hit being hit in this pandemic recession. And it’s happened at a pivotal moment in their careers and life. As a result, we are seeing a shift in hiring routes and therefore consumption patterns. This risk-averse generation is re-evaluating their lifestyle and shifting towards long-term security over instant gratification.

This mini trend uncovers opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs to adapt as this pivotal generation shifts its mindset on purchasing and working.

Check out this post on Instagram.

Voice Your Vote

A New Normal Trend Report   |    10.27.20

As the election nears we, as entrepreneurs and citizens, have the obligation to stand up for what we consider to be right. Getting political was once a risky business, but today it’s an expectation. This November, we aren’t just voting for a president, we are voting for the existence of democracy. With one week left until voting day, we ask you to make your voice heard.

This mini trend explores voting behaviors of past & present with opportunities you can take TODAY to make an impact in your community. We ask that you cherish democracy close to your heart and demand those you elect to do the same. Make your voice heard and VOTE.

Check out this post on Instagram.

Make Do And Mend

A New Normal Trend Report   |    10.19.20

We have increasingly seen the re-emergence of a make-do-and-mend mentality. Consumers are looking to repair and reuse rather than replace as a way to save money and spend time. The interest in creative crafting emerged during early stages of lockdown, but continues to grow as we build newfound confidence for taking on home projects.

This mini trend will uncover how businesses and entrepreneurs can contribute to the rise of a circular economy and support those looking to spend more time, effort & skills on their homes.

Check out this mini trend on Instagram.

Searching for Truth

A New Normal Trend Report   |    10.06.20

Even before the pandemic, we were learning how to navigate in a post-truth world. However, since March of this year, staying informed has never been more important. As we all searched for answers and updates, misinformation accelerated and a deficit of trust in news sources created an opportunity for brands to step in.

This mini trend explores how personal brands to company brands can find ways to build and maintain trust with their following – leading the way in ingredient transparency. 

Check out this trend report on Instagram.

Evolution of Contactless

A New Normal Trend Report   |    09.22.20

Covid rewrote the store design playbook almost overnight – forcing retailers to evolve for social distancing, hygiene and changing consumer preferences. Some of those adaptations will be temporary, others will be long-term changes as customers live with hesitation in a post-Covid era.

This mini trend report uncovers nimble, innovative and resourceful ways retailers can navigate the evolving consumer needs to stay ahead of the curve.

We hope these new normal mini trends help small businesses and entrepreneurs come back stronger and seize opportunities during this time of rapid change.

If you need a thought partner to iterate and talk through next steps with your team, we’re here for you. 

Check out this trend report on Instagram!

Future of Zine Culture

A New Normal Trend Report   |    09.15.20

New experimentation in media & publications are on the rise. We have witnessed a growing desire to document and share experiences in today’s unprecedented landscape. Creatives, community leaders and now business leaders are finding alternative ways for connection in isolation – leading the way in self-publications, experimental media and an evolved zine culture.

This mini trend explores how companies can shift brand engagement that will influence customer interaction and broaden the impact of touchpoints. This emerging trend will impact content creation for years to come.

We hope these new normal mini trends help small businesses and entrepreneurs come back stronger and seize opportunities during this time of rapid change.

If you need a thought partner to iterate and talk through next steps with your team, we’re here for you. 

Check out this trend report on Instagram!